7. Treasury
i. DAO ownership of eSports team NFTs
DAO owns 20-30% of all eSports teams incubated and/or contracted by TEAM, retaining the corresponding governance and ownership in the competitive team.
ii. DAO semi-ownership of wTEAM assets
DAO owns all unsold wTEAMs asssets. Long-term assets held within the DAO will be continually developed and utilized.
DAO retains a 20% semi-ownership of sold wTEAM assets.
Owners can request to disband a wTEAM and sell the NFT assets for a 20% asset fee to the DAO. Scholars will return to the DAO and be reformed into a new wTEAM.
iii. Live treasury data on website
The treasury's status, wTEAMs, Owners, and other data analytics will be publicly available on the TEAM DAO website.
Value of DAO assets are accrued into the $TEAM token.
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