b. Entertain
i) Tournament format
TEAM DAO runs weekly tournaments to find best-in-class players and hone the competitive instinct of all TEAM players.
Through the tournaments, players are selected and re-organized into different teams until strong synergies and the "ability to win" is found.
These "drafted" eSports teams are then placed into competitive tournaments to compete with other non-TEAM DAO players.
Players that are not drafted are able to continue in our web3 gaming arm while honing their skillsets in the different competitive games available.
Games include: Call of Duty Mobile, Mobile Legends, League of Legends, and more
ii) Battle For Supremacy (BFS) League
BFS is TEAM DAO's proprietary tournament brand for pro-eSports gaming.
Pro-players and pro-teams are able to establish themselves through the BFS Power Ranking system to showcase their skill and ability.
Find out more at www.battleforsupremacy.tv
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